- The iPhone App
Not sure about which Smith and Stange pedalboard is the one for you? Then try out the world's first pedalboard designer App for the iPhone and iPad.
1. Build up and personalise your pedals based on our standard "blanks" plus a customisable pedal for those unusual "boutique" things that you all seem to love, change the colours and buttons until everything matches your collection.
2. Choose a pedalboard from 500-900mm wide, change it's colour and if required select one of three positions for your Wah or Volume pedal.
3. Start adding your pedals, position and reposition until you're happy then click the eye button for a full 3D rendered image of your pedalboard, movable and zoomable in real-time through 360 degrees.
...and that's it! It's great fun, very practical and it's available at The App Store for only 89 cents, you can't go wrong!